What you can say to someone who has lost their baby…

“Use their baby’s name — their biggest fear is that their baby will be forgotten. Keeping their baby’s memory alive is now more important to them than anything.”

Catherine Travers lets us in to her experience of losing her son Benjamin here, and explains some things you can say to someone who has lost a baby. She describes the importance of acknowledging Benjamin by name following the loss. Although you may initially want to avoid speaking specifically about your loved one’s baby, for fear of saying the wrong thing, for some people it is important that their baby’s name be used.

“Talk about their baby — their baby will be their favourite topic of conversation. No matter what happens they will always be parents and will be just as obsessed with their baby as other parents whose babies are alive.”

The parents had hopes and dreams for their little one, like any other parent. They have lost their baby, but also the hopes and dreams they had for him or her, and their future together. Give them the space to talk about their little one during their grief.